HELLO! Yes! You! I am talking to you! Thank you for visiting apparel wear and I know this may seem weird at first but I'd like to make this as informal as possible. Nope, you didn't click onto the wrong page, I am going to tell you about apparel wear, where and why I started it!

Apparel Wear was established in 2010 in London. The whole concept of the business is to provide members of the public access to inexpensive, stylish and quality apparel. I'm pretty sick of high street retailers charging extortionate prices for clothing and accessories. Therefore apparel wear aims to accommodate those that have a budget and want quality, fashionable and stylish apparel.

Apparel Wear is an online based fashion business, the prices are charged very closely to wholesale rates and the manufacturers produce the clothes ethically. You're probably questioning why the products are so cheap? Well let me answer that for you, as mentioned above, I disagree with the prices large fashion businesses are charging therefore I want to provide products at both quality and affordable rates, simple.

Apparel Wear is run by myself (Simon Duong) and I started the business at the age of 19. I studied BA Enterprise and Entrepreneurship at Coventry University and wanted to provide products that everybody can afford. I did my dissertation on SMEs (Small to Medium Enterprises) and strongly believe SME's are the way forward in the current economic climate. So even if you do not decide to purchase anything, please by all means spread the word of Apparel Wear! I could do with as much support as possible and I would like to thank you once more for visiting apparel wear and if you're reading this, well done for getting this far!